Outline of Typical EB-5 Report from Evans, Carroll & Associates
Evans, Carroll & Associates is the leading economic firm engaged in the preparation of economic analysis reports for proposed EB-5 regional centers. Here’s what you can expect in each report.
- Calculations based on the latest RIMS II model data, with specific data ordered from the Commerce Department for the correct counties required for the multiplier results.
- Estimates are cross-checked against Census data where greater detail is required, and modification of data aggregates is undertaken where necessary.
- Independent analysis is undertaken to verify key figures such as output per employee or output per square foot when these data are used as inputs into the RIMS II model and are not available elsewhere.
- Detailed explanation of both direct and indirect job creation by industrial categories, as required by USCIS. Comprehensive tables are provided for the permanent increases in employment, output, and labor income by the 21 major industry categories in the RIMS II model.
- Accurate and precise definitions of county group areas for employment multipliers. If these areas are too small, the job creation is understated. If they are too large, USCIS may reject the report because the multipliers are overstated. American Community Survey (ACS) data for commuting patterns are used to determine that the correct counties have been chosen.
- Key historical and current economic and demographic statistics for each county included in the regional center area, including employment by major industry group, household and family income by decile, employment and unemployment by county, and level and growth rate of population and personal income by county.
- All reports are completed on time, and any suggested modifications by clients are promptly delivered.
- 100% consumer satisfaction. More important, 100% approval record by USCIS provided you follow the regulations we lay out.
- We have already completed over 500 EB-5 economic analysis reports (see the List of Reports page), which include over 100 different types of industries and area configurations. We are familiar with almost every different type of business opportunity submitted to USCIS.
- We work closely with leading immigration lawyers and business plan writers to insure that the overall package will be accepted by USCIS personnel.
- We help you determine a TEA. If an area qualifies as a Targeted Employment Area (TEA), the immigrant investor can invest a minimum of $500,000 rather than $1 million. A region qualifies as a TEA if it is (a) a rural area or (b) has an unemployment rate at least 150% of the national unemployment rate. For 2017, the qualifying unemployment rate is 6.6%. In many cases, the area where you want to put the new building has a lower unemployment rate. We work closely with state agencies to design an area that includes your census tract but also qualifies as a TEA.